by mrblack on geektyrant.com

Matt Hawkins president of Top Cow Comics recently told in an interview with MTV that the new ‘Wichblade’ film, that has bee in pre-production limbo for…forever, will be a slight departure from the story shown in the comic book series. Not really that big of a surprise though if you think about it.

‘Witchblade’, which is about a NYPD Detective named Sarah Pezzini that uses a strange and supernatural “artifact” in a fight against crime, corruption and nasty evil creatures, has already been adapted for the screen twice. First as a live action television series, starring Yancy Butler, which ran a full 2 seasons before cancellation and second as an Anime series. Both stories were, respectively, departures from the graphic novels.

Hopefully they can find a good writer and director for this film. Witchblade remain as the most successful Top Cow title and definitely one of the most successful for their publisher, Image Comics.

To read more HERE

I really hope it will be good, but by the sound of it – it probably will be. What do you think? Will they find a writer and a director for this film? And do you want to see it?