Twilight Breaking Dawn in Pre-Production

Twilight fans finally have a piece of news about the movie adaptation of the saga’s final novel, Breaking Dawn. The LA Times is quoting one of the Twilight franchise producers as acknowledging that the script for the last book is currently being written (by Melissa Rosenberg, who has adapted all the other books). No word yet on whether it will be one film or two (as Stephenie Meyer speculated it might be soon after the book’s publication), but the producer did say that filming may begin as early as this fall. He added that “all three stars”–presumably meaning Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner–are on board to reprise their roles as vampire Edward Cullen and his human love, Bella Swan, and Bella’s werewolf friend and would-be boyfriend Jacob Black.

So…this is…not that unexpected. As much as I was kind of hoping the movies would end with Eclipse, as in my opinion the books should have done, I didn’t really expect Summit to forego the bazillion dollars they will make on this movie. I am actually more surprised that all the stars would agree to come back. Have they read the last book?

I also wonder why anyone feels two movies might be necessary. Just because the book is 800 pages long doesn’t mean it has 800 pages worth of stuff happening. I would rather see one long film and just be done with all of it. The producer claimed the decision would be based on how “organic” the splitting felt…is that code for “depends on how much money Eclipse makes so we can decide if the fervor will still be strong enough in 2011 for two installments”? MORE HERE.

Do you think there should be two films or one?

What scenes would you cut if it was just one film?

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