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Smallville: Steve Bacic is the Archer to the Arrow

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We’ve had a lot of new characters popping up on this season of Smallville, and we haven’t even gotten to the Justice Society episode yet.  Here’s another bit of casting news for the show, and it greatly concerns Oliver’s superhero identity.  As if you didn’t get that from the headline.

Anyway, Entertainment Weekly‘s Michael Ausiello and KryptonSite report that actor Steve Bacic has been cast as the Dark Archer.  The character he’s playing is going to be the mentor to the Green Arrow (Justin Hartley), teaching him skills in archery.  Hm, it sure looks like Oliver’s all ready for some major storylines this season.

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I can’t wait to see how many new charaters will appear this season! Are you watching Smallvile?

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The Pros and Cons of ‘Supernatural’ Season 6

It’s still incredibly early to start talking about whether or not Supernatural might be picked up for another season, but since this week’s episode is a repeat, I’ve had some time to think.  From the beginning, Supernatural creator Eric Kripke has said he has a five-year plan for the show, and while he has every intention of finishing it as planned, the summer saw a change in tone regarding the future of Supernatural.

CW President Dawn Ostroff and Kripke himself both remained open to the possibility of continuing Supernatural beyond its current fifth season, but should they?  More Supernatural is rarely a bad thing, but is it worth it for another season?  Just like for every important debate, I made up a list of pros and cons to help figure it out.

PRO: The Creativity of the Writers
has one of the most inventive and creative writing staffs on TV, with stand-outs like Sera Gamble, Ben Edlund and Jeremy Carver.  Already this season has featured an apocalyptic future, Paris Hilton and the Anti-Christ (surprisingly, those last two were different characters).  And upcoming episodes include Dean as an old man and the Winchesters living in various other TV shows.  Creatively, Supernatural shows no signs of stopping and could easily keep going with this talented group of writers.

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I watched Supernatural since epidose one, but I’ve lost track this season, so what do you think, does Supernatural need another season or not? Are you a fan?