True Blood vs. Twilight: Werewolves… Fight!

Source: Alex Zalben in

If you troll around message boards like I do, you’ll start to notice a huge rift in America – possibly even the world. It’s a rift so strong, so powerful, that a war may erupt soon, and not even our governments can stop it. That war? Who has the more awesome looking wolves: True Blood, or Twilight?

On one side, you have True Blood’s recently revealed practical wolves. They’re actual wolves, rather than CGI baddies. And though (I don’t think) we’ve seen a transformation yet, chances are it’s super quick, like the man to animal transformation of TB’s shapeshifters.

On the other side, you have Twilight’s all CGI wolves. They’re gigantic, much larger than a human being – and the transformation is like shaking off skin.

Both are incredibly quick, both don’t seem to hurt the werewolf at all (like, say, old school Wolfmen), and both, as mentioned, are far more wolf than man.

So given their similarities, how do you heal this fracture in the very soul of geekdom? I think the only way is through compromise, finding something that we can all agree on. And after thinking about it for a good long while, watching both Twilight movies over and over, and playing True Blood’s recent episodes on a loop on my DVR, I believe I’ve found the common thread that binds our two clans of werewolves together:

They are both totally stupid.


Interesting. What do you think? Do you agree/ disagree? What do you think when you hear ‘werewolf’? (Besides “Ah, RUN!” or, you know ‘Doggie!”)

Join us in the forum to discuss!