from andyswist.com

Following us the last weeks we know about illustrator and graphic designer Andy Swist – a Sookie Stackhouse-fan – and his ‘True Blood’ Paper-dolls. We introduced you. And untill now there is: SET #1: Lafayette and Pam (HERE) – SET #2: Bill and Sookie (HERE) – SET #3: Sam and Tara (HERE)

And like every week before we thought to bring you the next 2 Paper-dolls now … but no – there is only one new Paper-doll. But don’t worry, Andy Swist is giving an explanation – Thank You Andy!

Believe-it-or-not a lot of work goes into making these dolls. Well, it’s kind of not “work” because I enjoy it sooo much, but I call it “work” because it’s part of my list of weekly responsibilities.
So why Jason this week? Well, besides the fact that I’ve been enjoying Jason’s character much more recently… I had his sketch ready for a while. This past week was also a bit of a “crunch” for me, and I haven’t had as much time to devote to making True Blood babies… so the choice was practically made for me.


Get your Jason HERE

So now we have Jason – and we have some kind of ‘promise’ – Save the best for last – by the wonderful creator. And that’s why I hope to see my favorite Viking Vamp Eric next week. Are you also excited to get your own Sheriff of Area 5? And do you wonder what special goodness Andy will post next week, too?