If you didn’t get a chance to watch the two first episodes of the new supernatural drama series on MTV, Teen Wolf, we have you covered. Here is the summary of both episodes to catch up on.

Pilot – “Wolf Moon”

Scott is a normal guy going to high school and playing on the Lacrosse team. His best friend is named Stiles and Stiles’ dad is head of the Sheriff’s Department. They hear at school that a girl was murdered last night and only one part of her body has been found. They decide to go out to the woods at night and they find the other half.

But before they can report it, Scott is bitten by a wolf. Stiles gets Scott back to town but Scott is not feeling too well. The police go back to the area where the other part of the girl’s body is buried and it is not there. They search around the old abandoned house where they thought the girl was. A man that is werewolf watches them from inside the house. He makes the police dogs bark severely and the police leave.

Episode 2: “Second Chance at First Line”

Scott is trying to come to terms that he might be a werewolf due to Stiles persistent research of info on the Internet. Scott likes a new girl at school named Allison. Allison’s dad though is a werewolf hunter. Anyway, Scott gets increased strength and hearing. They want him to play in the major Lacrosse game on Saturday. Stiles doesn’t want him to do it.

Scott plays in the game even though he doesn’t want to. He has to get back to the locker room fast because he is changing…due to his anger playing in the game. Scott meets the man in the woods whose name is Derrick. Scott thinks Derrick is the one who bit him. Derrick says that he didn’t bite him but will needs his help to stay alive. He tells Scott where the dead girl’s body is.

Will you be watching Teen Wolf?