Source: io9

 Sometimes, the strange foods in speculative fiction can make your mouth water. These delicious, fantastical items seem so good, you wish you could take a bite. Here are some of our most-wanted fictional snacks.

A brief note: Yes, real world versions of some of these foods exist, but you know they can’t capture the awesomeness of the originals.

Slurm This soda keep cropping up throughout Futurama‘s run, but it gets its moment in the spotlight when the Planet Express crew visits the factory. The revelation that Slurm is actually the biological waste product of giant works doesn’t stop Fry from loving the stuff. I always imagined it was like a more delicious version of Mountain Dew…

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My favorite one off the list is Butterbeer. Sounds like a fantastic drink! Which on the list would you like to exist and do you have any foods you want to add? We’d love to hear your sci-fi food suggestions.