Tara McClendon, Suite101;

Point of view is a major player when it comes to deciding how to write a novel. Beginning authors might want to study the popular Twilight saga to determine how to use viewpoint to its full potential.


Twilight Pulls in Tweens with First Person POV

In literature, first person POV can pull readers into the story by allowing them to feel as though they are the main character.

Eclipse Uses POV to Draw in Team Jacob Fans

Jacob Black moves from a secondary character to a main character at the end of Eclipse when Meyer introduces his POV.

Midnight Sun Reworks Twilight from Edward Cullen’s POV

Fans originally responded to Bella’s POV and endured Jacob’s, many still want to hear the story from the perspective of Edward Cullen. The author planned to give fans exactly that. Midnight Sun was a retelling of Twilight from Edward Cullen’s POV

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I personally think point of views are the most important thing in a book. Reading Twilight from Bella’s point of view was very relatable, But I loved reading Midnight Sun from Edwards, he was just so dark and tortured.

Do you think point of views are the most important thing? Whose did you like to read more in the Twilight Saga?