CAM SAYS ‘PRIEST’ MOTORCYCLES MAKING HIM A COOL, IF NOT EASY RIDER “Right now I’m shooting a movie with Paul Bettany that’s called ‘Priest,’ which is going to be an unbelievable film,” he explained when he stopped by the MTV studio last week. “The sets are just unbelievable—and we ride around on motorcycles.”

With any luck, Gigandet joked, not only will he and Bettany look cool as they channel their inner Wild Hogs, but they’ll also look like they know what they’re doing.

“I’d never ridden a motorcycle before this movie,” he said of the flick, based on Min-Woo Hyung’s graphic novel series about mankind’s battle against fallen angels. “They trained us on how to ride motorcycles and all that. Then I finally got to ride my motorcycle on set, and it is a huge beast of a motorcycle. It’s one of the coolest motorcycles, and Priest is on a motorcycle as well, and we get to ride in the middle of the desert on salt flats—it [looks] like those Chevy commercials.”

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SUPERMAN/BATMAN: PUBLIC ENEMIES REVIEW“Superman/Batman: Public Enemies,” the latest animated feature based on the DC Universe, arrives on shelves today.

Based on the first story arc from Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness “Superman/Batman” comic book series, “Superman/Batman: Public Enemies,” chronicles Lex Luthor’s rise to power in the White House and his scheme to put Superman and Batman on the wrong side of the law (including a $1 billion bounty on their heads that has every villain in the DCU looking for them).

 Overall, anyone who enjoys DC’s line of animated features thus far will likely enjoy “Superman/Batman,” too. It offers the best elements of its source material balanced with the sort of changes that should be made for such an adaptation. It feels like its creators invested just the right amount of loyalty to the characters and their histories, while also taking the time and energy to see it done right.

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MAGGIE STIEFVATER’S ‘SHIVER’ TO BECOME A MOVIE“Shiver” the first book in a supernatural romance series by Maggie Stiefvater, which debuted in August and has been on the bestseller lists ever since. The novel tells the tale of a girl, Grace, whose life is saved by a wolf when she was young. Years later, she comes across an injured boy who she realizes is the same wolf who saved her, and a love develops. The boy, Sam, will change back to a wolf in the winter, however, and thus they must figure out how to make their relationship work.

Bob and his partner Michael Lynne acquired the screen rights for “Shiver” and its two planned sequels. The pair is far from uneducated when it comes to fantastical epics, as they also were the producers behind the “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy and “Blade”. They plan to approach Warner Bros with the opportunity to buy the project first, the told Variety.

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‘BEASTS OF BURDEN’ BY DORKIN AND THOMPSON; SHOULD IT BE ADAPTED TO FILM? Something’s not quite right in Burden Hill. The picturesque American suburb is plagued by haunted dog houses, zombie road kill and far too many black cats. With their “people” distracted by the monotony of day-to-day life, it’s up to a hodgepodge of neighborhood dogs (and one reluctant cat) to protect their community from supernatural threats.

Under the guidance of an aging society of “Wise Dogs,” canines with abilities beyond those of average pets, the beasts begin to take matters into their own paws.

WHY IT WORKS: “Beasts of Burden” is a narrative completely comfortable in its own fur. It’s a comic that feels like nothing else on the stands because it’s the talking animal film every adult secretly wants to see. It’s “Homeward Bound” with monster slaying, “Watership Down” minus moralizing, “The Adventures of Milo and Otis” sans Dudley Moore.

WHY IT DOESN’T: “Beasts of Burden” is a property ripe for both cultivation and exploitation. With a premise fit for fans of all ages, but plots directed at audiences that can handle a touch of supernatural terror, studios could be tempted to dumb down a fan favorite while seeking the “Scooby-Doo” crowd.

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