
Viewers aren’t the only ones feeling icky at the thought of Maryann’s literally heart-wrenching actions — Michelle Forbes, who plays the “True Blood” villain, is equally terrified by the character’s potential.

“Before I started the show at the end of last season and I was talking to a director, and we were chatting about how far we would go, and he said, ‘You’ll be asked to do things you’ve never been asked before,'” Forbes remembered in an interview with Sci Fi Wire. “I remember thinking, ‘Yeah, sure.’ I’ve been asked to do some pretty crazy things. I didn’t take him seriously. But I opened that first episode for the second season and went ‘Okayyy. Now I understand what he meant!'”

For Maryann, some of these crazy things include orchestrating massive acts of murder and sexual deviancy throughout the entirety of Bon Temps — and even getting naked and violent herself.

“She loves her mischief and having her fun along the way,” the actress described. “She has a different understanding of the world and this particular plane. She doesn’t see an end in the road the way everyone else does, because she has no time constraints and no moral constraints. And in playing her it is impossible for me to see her as a villain.”

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She’s a villain for sure! And she’s damn good at it. What do you think of Maryann from True Blood? Don’t you just love to hate her?