The first 3 WL books sold in Russia recently, bringing the total of translation rights to 20. It’s still a gleeful thing each time, which I like, & necessitates telling Spouse, “Ooooh, guess what?”  I think that’s the way life should be though. Every day has something in it that makes my emotions rocket into a different place.   Obviously, I prefer the sudden bursts of glee, but the flares of temper & bouts of panic are pretty ok too. Emotion=still alive, not just existing. That’s always been a big fear of mine. I don’t ever want to merely exist.  I want flux.  I want to clap my hands like my 3 year old niece does.  Writing enables me to do that.  Motherhood does too.

I told my producers my “ideal actress” for Ash–and they concur that she’s a good one to consider. (NOTE: Nope, not telling who bc that seems inappropriate in case we don’t get her.)  Things continue to move fwd. Screenplay in in process.  We’ve talked a bit on other things. I continue to love Wild West Picture Show Productions.

Q: “How many rejections did you get by agents/editors before finally getting represented?”

Ummm, a lot 🙂  I think it was 30-40 (more?) for the un-pubbed “trunk novel.”  For WL, I got a couple, including one from an agent who was at lunch with my YA editor the day she bought my book AND a form rejection after WL was out & sitting on the NY Times list 🙂

It’s all subjective.  Repeat it with me: It’s ALL subjective.

Agents? Editors? They’re readers too.  Reviewers? Yep. They’re readers too.

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Oh, I’m dying to know who she thinks should play Aislyn. Any ideas on who it might be? I cannot wait to see these books adapted.