Chapter 20-Daybreak & Epilogue-Two Great Lights by Erin


As the sun rises, Luce and Daniel walk towards the cemetery holding hands. Before leaving the building, the angels had pulled back their wings. Even though there was no trace of the wings, Luce could still see the silver light from inside of them. They laid Penn’s body on the altar, and Daniel promised to bury her after the school settled down. Luce hated leaving Penn, but told her she was with her father now, and safe and happy. Students were roaming around the school—so early that it meant they had heard the battle. She wondered what they would be told. She could see police lights around the cemetery. As they walk, Daniel tells her that it’s going to be tough to see. Cam fights in a very messy way-not gory, just different. Luce thinks that after the night she’s had, nothing will alarm her now. The air looked thick and murky and Luce asks what it was. Daniel tells her its dust; angels don’t die but their battles leave this residue behind. He tells her it will settle eventually, and then people will come to study it. The keep walking and Luce shows Daniel were Penn’s father is buried. Luce begins to cry, because she couldn’t save Penn and won’t be there to give her a proper memorial. Daniel promises to take care of Penn. Luce tells Daniel she doesn’t think she can leave, but Daniel tells her she can, and she has to. He tells her she’s stronger and more amazing than she knows. They walk to the trees, and after they can’t be seen from the cemetery, Daniel tells Luce to close her eyes. Daniel wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her off the ground. She can tell they’re flying over the trees, but she knows not to open her eyes. They land under the magnolia tree by the lake. He tells her he brought her here because it was one of the many places he’d wanted to kiss her recently. They kiss, although it’s too brief for Luce. Daniel tells her that there is a path nearby that leads to a path to get to a safe place. She can see that at the end of the path is a clearing, with an airplane in the center. She asks where she’s going, and what her parents will be told. Daniel tells her that Mr. Cole will call her parents, that they can trust him.

Memorable Quotes

“Daniel swept her up and pressed his forehead to hers. As their lips connected, Luce tried to hold on to every part of this moment. She would need this memory the way she needed air.”

“Fight to stay alive long enough to live out her life next to him. Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything. Love.”


Why do Daniel and Cam need each other if they are on opposite sides?

Why does Cam want Luce?

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