All Consuming
Brotherhood by Fire, Book #3
By Jaci Burton
ISBN# 9780440001393
Author’s Website: https://jaciburton.com/
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

Kal & Hannah were high school sweethearts, but both of them were left broken-hearted when Kal ended things before leaving for college. They have both moved on. Now Kal is a specialized firefighter that works mainly doing difficult rescues. And, Hannah just recently moved back to town with her son, after her marriage fell apart. The two ran into each other at their Ten year high-school reunion and sparks flew. One night wasn’t enough to catch up and after a few meetings their chemistry only grew stronger. The two eventually start dating, but will Hannah’s fear of repeating mistakes of her past keep her from the future with a great man?
This was an okay read, but it came off a bit flat and one-dimensional. I liked Kal, but it’s one of those books where the male hero is just too perfect. He reacts to everything perfectly. He behaves perfectly with Oliver, Hannah’s son. He always says and does the perfect thing. I find when someone is too perfect in a book the character becomes unbelievable and frankly boring. I needed to see a wart or two, but it wasn’t there.
Hannah was okay as well … but she was a bit over-dramatic. The way she treated Kal because he wanted to get serious really made no sense. You had a bad relationship before, we get it. Not everybody is your ex, so it’s time to move on.
Of course we got to see the rest of the Donovan clan, who are also perfect! But as everyone was gathered for the last scene it felt like the end of the series. I know there are enough guys (and gals) in the fire department to give Burton something to write about, but this was the last Donovan brother. And, as we saw some time pass, it just felt like a conclusion. I guess we’ll see if that ends up being the case or not! Some of this author’s series are rather lengthy so it really could go either way!