Melissa Marr generously answers more reader questions:

Q: “What do you most enjoy about teaching literature?

Everything 🙂 I love teaching. It’s a kick in a way that nothing else ever is.   A good book signing or panel has a few such moments, but teaching gave me that rush regularly.

Q: “Do you read literature or nonfiction exclusively when you write or do you read both?”

I’m always writing so I don’t limit my reading bc of it . . . except that I don’t read books w potentially similar sounding premises to what I’m writing.

In faery* books, Holly Black is tops (IMNSHO), but she hasn’t had a new faery book while I’ve been writing since Ironside (ergo I haven’t had to suffer delays in reading her.). I adore her YA faery books, & I have pondered begging her to turn one of her short stories into a book (from her POISON EATERS collection).  It’s not faery, but it’s freaking gorgeous.

Q: “When doing research on Faerie lore and stuff, how would you recommend going about it? Is the Internet a decent source of information, or are books and stuff more reliant? Are there any books/sites that you’d recommend?”

First, *sends adoring thoughts for asking a research question* has a lot of old texts scanned in. If you’re going Celtic faery, go here. Start reading.  The Secret Commonwealth (Kirk) is essential. If you’re going Welsh, read the Mabinogion.  Evans-Wentz Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries is a great text.  Thomas Crofton Croker, T Keightly
* That part has been easy so far bc I’m a picky picky bitch when it comes to faery books.  My family roots are in Ireland, Scotland, & a tendril in Germany.  So these are my heritage. I’m particular.

Read her complete responses here

In her Wicked Lovely series, the faery world is so vivid. Now I know why.

What do you think of the Q&A above? Were the questions on subjects you are curious about too?