Here at OBS we all love to read! What happens when one of our favorite series ends? Many of us look too Fan Fiction to get our reading fill. But what if you have never read any Fan Fiction before, or you just not sure if you want to because the actual author did not write the materiel? That’s where we come in, OBS is here to bring you some of the best Fan Fiction out there. We guaranteed that you will enjoy it.

Fan Fiction Highlight Only Human
Author: Amethyst Jackson
Description: (A Twilight Fan Fiction)
A wish sends Bella back in time to Chicago, 1918, and to a human Edward.
Chapters: 27
Rating: M

Short Preview:

Edward pulled up the long drive, more slowly than he usually would have done. That alone alerted me that something was awaiting us at the house, but even if he’d sped through the trees as normal, I don’t think the large banner across the house would have surprised me.

Happy Birthday, Bella!

Edward and I had been married exactly a month ago, in the Cullens’ massive yard. Since, he’d taken me on the most ridiculously extravagant honeymoon possible, traveling from London to Istanbul and everywhere in between. He wanted me to see the world; I was happy to be with him.

Truly, it had been bliss. Edward had given me the one human experience I’d wanted more than anything – and he’d given it to me every day since, sometimes several times a day.

The more innocent parts of our honeymoon had been wonderful, too, seeing all the sights I’d only read about, with Edward by my side, explaining the history as he knew it from Carlisle’s stories and his own experience. We’d held hands in Paris and cuddled in a gondola in Venice, and I’d eaten too many kinds of food to count while Edward looked on with distaste and amusement, and we’d bought too many souvenirs and more luggage to hold them all.

I could admit it now – I was glad for the experiences he’d given me, glad I hadn’t rushed into the change, and glad most of all that he’d been by my side.

When we got out of the car, I found I didn’t want to fight the party I knew I’d find inside. I didn’t mind that I was nineteen years old today. Somewhere along the line, the numbers had ceased to matter as much, as long as Edward was happy and I would have an eternity with him.

“You don’t mind?” he affirmed, his hand caressing my lower back as we paused at the door.

“No,” I smiled. “I think it’s a good time to start celebrating.”

He smiled back and kissed me quickly before ushering me inside.

The entire family, even Rosalie, waited in the living room to greet us. I heard several exclamations of “welcome home” and “happy birthday” as Alice rushed to hug me.

“How was the honeymoon?” she asked gleefully. “Did you bring me presents?”

Read the rest of this amazing Fan Fiction HERE

So what are you waiting for, get to reading the rest of this. And then head over to the forum and discuss it with us! But please note that this Fan Fiction is rated M for Mature, I do not suggest anyone under 18 to read this!

Fan Fiction Highlight: Only Human
: Amethyst Jackson

Description: (A Twilight Fan Fiction)

A wish sends Bella back in time to Chicago, 1918, and to a human Edward.
Chapters: 27
Rating: M