Walter Kraft and the Alien Menace is set in the background of future dystopian planets whose people are exploited by a money-hungry corporation and ruled by a ruthless clergy. The novel basically tells the tale of an introvert bounty hunter, Walter Kraft, and his trusty friend Thorgeir, who tries to liberate the people from their misery and at the same time hunt down and destroy a mysterious alien.

The image that is offered by the author, Einar Petersen, is a bit dark, but amazingly written and the author also tried to combine action packed sequences with moral lessons. The atmosphere of this novel is fantastic, and it is the perfect complement to the quiet back story; plus a little time has been allotted to introspection. The author has used a very persuasive tone in presenting the story and had slowly built suspense, which makes the reader read on.

The way, in which places and characters shown in this novel are quite dramatic, this makes them even more likeable. The depiction of fantastic devices like brain implants, chameleon device and drugs like uppers and blockers really adds an extra charm to the story.

This book is ideal for anybody who is looking for non-stop action and fun. The main reason for releasing Walter Kraft and the Alien Menace is to gather support for The Global Ability Initiative. So please write a support pledge through the author’s homepage. You can read Walter Kraft and the Alien Menace by following the link given below.
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