Vampire Diaries: Chapter 3
Written by Rose
Edited by Krystal

With Bonnie’s trance now over, the girls discuss Elena’s revelation about Wickery Bridge. Bonnie doesn’t seem to remember this, but does remember her need for something that she can’t describe. Elena tries to remind Bonnie of what she said in the mysterious voice that belonged to neither Bonnie nor Stefan. Meredith corrects Elena and says that the voice specifically said Elena was not to visit the bridge, but Elena says she’s going anyways. Meredith says that they are all going, but Elena worries about the dangers that await them. In order to not wake Robert, asleep downstairs, the girls climb through Elena’s bedroom window and down the nearby tree. Thinking ahead, Elena realized the creeks current was treacherous and grabs a rope from the garage.

Memorable Quotes

Meredith: “She told you not to go near the bridge,” Meredith corrected. “You in particular, Elena. She said Death was waiting.” (Page 281-282)

Bonnie: “Are you kidding?” Bonnie said, sticking her chin out. “We love danger. I want to be young and beautiful in my grave remember?” (Page 282)

Elena: “Bonnie thought Stefan might be here.”
Bonnie: “Bonnie did not,” said Bonnie. “Bonnie said right away that it was the wrong place. We’re looking for somewhere quiet, no noises, and closed in. I felt… surrounded,” she explained to Matt. (Page 289)

Questions for consideration:

Do you think that the oak leaves have more significance than just what the druid’s believe? What do you think they mean?

Druids were known to love trees and visit the wood to hold ceremonies and commune with nature; could it be possible someone lurking in the woods is of druid descent?

Why do you think Damon chose an abandoned well to hide Stefan? Why not hide him somewhere farther away?

Did something or someone in this chapter catch you by surprise?
What is your favorite quote from this chapter?

Vampire Diaries: Chapter 4
Written by Rose
Edited by Krystal

Despite Elena’s promise to Stefan, Bonnie is adamant about taking him to the doctors. Elena says she can’t explain, but she can’t take him to the doctors. The four work together to get Stefan through the woods and back to Matt’s car. When they arrive at the boarding house, Elena sees a figure in the window above and assuming it to be Mrs. Flowers, calls out to her. Meanwhile, Bonnie finds the door unlocked and they carry Stefan inside. Bothered by Mrs. Flowers reaction to their arrival, Elena looks back up to find an empty window. Unable to think about what had occurred, Elena directs everyone through the secret passages to Stefan’s chaotic room. Matt curiously asks what happened, but Elena cleverly lies and tells the others they need to get Stefan warm.

Memorable Quotes

Matt: “Who would leave their – front door unlocked – after all that’s happened recently?” matt grunted as they hauled their lifeless burden. “She must be crazy.”
Bonnie: “She is crazy.” (Page 298)

Stefan: “Elena, if I take much more, you will begin to change. And if you don’t move away, if you don’t move away from me right now…” (Page 306)

Stefan: “Nothing much. Mrs. Flowers is just a terrible housekepper,” he said, looking her straight in the eye. (Page 308)

Questions for consideration:

Who do you think was at the window upstairs? Was it Mrs. Flowers or someone else?

What do you think Stefan meant when he said that Elena would change if she gave more blood?

What do you think about the bridge prophecy? Do you think it was meant for Elena or someone else? Do you think it could still come true?

Did something or someone in this chapter catch you by surprise?

What is your favorite quote from this chapter?

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