New Stills from “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”
With just under eight weeks until the June 30 release of “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” new stills from the film seem to be coming out almost daily. Here’s a little bit of eye candy for you to enjoy as you await the much-anticipated third installment in The Twilight Saga.

Oprah Audience Gets A Sneak-Peek at “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”
In the midst of the confusion yesterday where we tried to figure out what exactly was going on with the “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” world premiere, some very, very, very lucky “Oprah” guests we invited quietly to a little premiere of their own. Oprah taped her “Eclipse” show — set to air next May 13 — today, and to prepare her guests to ask topical questions to Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning, she showed them an early cut of “Eclipse.”
Yes, you read that right. Some “Twilight” fans have already seen “Eclipse,” and they probably aren’t you. But Twi-hards aren’t the greedy type, and quickly took to Twitter to share their wealth of information with the world — one, in fact, exclaimed: “OH MY GOD!!!! Eclipse was absolutely AMAZING. Better then both New Moon & Twilight! Holyy crappp =O.” In between the “OME!!”s and drooling, we were able to pick out some pretty interesting information that of course we are going to share with you.
Kristen Stewart To Star In Adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road”
Looks as if Kristen Stewart is going On the Road. And not just because she is doing publicity for the latest Twilight film, Eclipse, opening June 30.
As she told USA TODAY’s Susan Wloszczyna today while in Chicago for an Oprah taping, “I am very much attached to a movie that has been trying to get made forever. Not that this is going to help it, but maybe I can just brag a little bit. I am super excited about it, too. I am about to play Marylou in On the Road. So that’s a big deal.”
Two New Twilight Saga Barbies Coming Soon – Alice and Victoria
Joining the ranks of the Twilight Saga Barbie Collector series later this summer will be Alice and Victoria in costumes from “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”. They will join Bella, Edward, and Jacob in the collection.
So, what do you think of the new stills? I can’t help but think that Peter Facinelli’s wig makes Carlisle look a bit like a Ken doll. Jackson Rathbone’s hair is just a hopeless case – it’s been different in each film. Although, I think that this version is probably closer to what a Confederate soldier’s (away from home and things such as a set of shears) hair might have looked like.
Apart from a taping of “Oprah’s Favorite Things”, I don’t know if I’ve ever wished to be an audience member so much in my life! I love the reports of what the fans got to see and am glad to know that the infamous “leg hitch” from the bedroom scene, the tent scene, and Bella punching Jacob are all there.
I love the new Barbies – especially Victoria’s combat boots. Her hair looks awesome – although it wouldn’t last long with my kids around!
What do you think of today’s Twilight Saga news? Join us in the forum and share your thoughts!