Our friends at truebloodnet.com have this amazing portrait about Jace Everett:
He is a country music singer influenced by Willie Nelson, and he sings the unforgettable opening song on ‘True Blood’. With just one song he paints a picture of the nature of the hidden south, and the tension that that truly exists down there.
He’s a man that knows what he wants, where he is going, and how he’s going to get there — his way. The ‘True Blood’ creators could not have picked a more appropriate song to open the show with. It is powerful, evocative, pure rock country sung with a true throaty twang that only Jace Everett has managed.
This track has propelled him into the spotlight. Whether he was ready for it or not. His popularity is quickly on the rise, and I’d wager that his new album is going to sell quite well.
To read the whole portrait HERE
I heard this song the first time and suddenly I was hooked … I adore it! It’s on my iPod, my cell, my iTunes – everywhere! I love the sound and the lyrics – so awesome!
What about you? Do you love this song, too? Do you know more songs of Jace Everett and are you going to buy his new CD?
hereis another strange occurrencewhich happened to me in the walls of my rented unit,it was australia day[26/1/1977]my sisters birthday actually,i went up to the park to watch the fireworks that night and had been drinking ‘goon'[slang for a cask of wine]all afternoon,i come back to my medication and passed out,during the night iwent for my nightly piss in the shower cubicle[i clean it every day with teatreeoil before you’s go on]i come out and went smackbang into the brickwall, idont if you would class this as strange but ‘man’did it hurt and i had a googie egg[bump]on my head.anyway getting back to ‘trueblood’-topic ,witches, in my time i have seen so-called modern-day witches who practice rituals and believein,is it paganism,and im telling you nothing good come out of witches who try and change people with rituals[i will not tell you all the details about my real/life experiences they really are graphic/gory and you know who you are].i think that was what writers of trueblood season2 was trying to get across to audiences.ending off on alighter note whos looking forward to the 2012 olympic games.colin.