Brought to you by OBS reviewer Kim
One thing I have to say before starting this review is that what I felt while reading this poetic prose can not be put into words. The words and pictures so thoughtfully put together presents art in black and white and in living color.
This is just a delightful story, so full of life, wisdom and charm that only an 87 year old who lives in a cardboard shanty and a veteran could have told it. If only we all could take time out to talk to the elderly and hear their stories for they have much wisdom and so many tales to tell that are often times taken to the grave.
As children, a friend and I would sit and people watch. We would both sit at the stool at the fountain counter drinking a cherry coke and as people walked by we try to guess their story and this book reminded me of those days.
For Joe Lamport and Michel Delsol came a random meeting and a start of a fantastic prose style book. Followed home with him blocking their paths, ended up with a treasure trove of stories and art of the man. The stage is a New York city sidewalk opening up a whole new world for us to see.
“What people don’t realize whenever they fight, Is how often it turns out that both sides are right,” Richard Musto
A little man with a bigger than life attitude always the performer, on any given day he could change moods as well as clothes and each day it would be a surprise. He’s a patriot, veteran, actor, survivor or what ever else he needs to be to survive the cardboard life. What a treasure he found in Richard Musto a living, breathing chameleon.
“Greta Garbo never said she wanted to be alone. No siree, you see that wasn’t what she said at all. She said she wanted to be left alone and you can take it from me. That’s a completely different thing.” Richard Musto.
“I didn’t hate the war, I didn’t love it. It was just my destiny, I guess, and it turned out to be the most important part of my life.” Richard Musto.
There are two sides to every person and story, there’s the dark side and light side and of course that includes Richard Musto. The discovery happens when Joe visits with Richard’s sister and her son. A whole other side of Richard emerges as his nephew tells the other side of the story…
There is a story in all of us, even you.
Thanks for taking part in the tour! I’m so glad you loved ‘The Life and Times of Richard Musto’!