Open Book Society is back once more this month with another amazing TLC Book tour! Today we bring you THE DEAD KEY, the debut mystery novel by author M.D. Pulley. Be sure to keep reading to know more about the book, the author, and our review. Enjoy!
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It’s 1998, and for years the old First Bank of Cleveland has sat abandoned, perfectly preserved, its secrets only speculated on by the outside world.
Twenty years before, amid strange staff disappearances and allegations of fraud, panicked investors sold Cleveland’s largest bank in the middle of the night, locking out customers and employees, and thwarting a looming federal investigation. In the confusion that followed, the keys to the vault’s safe-deposit boxes were lost.
In the years since, Cleveland’s wealthy businessmen kept the truth buried in the abandoned high-rise. The ransacked offices and forgotten safe-deposit boxes remain locked in time, until young engineer Iris Latch stumbles upon them during a renovation survey. What begins as a welcome break from her cubicle becomes an obsession as Iris unravels the bank’s sordid past. With each haunting revelation, Iris follows the looming shadow of the past deeper into the vault—and soon realizes that the key to the mystery comes at an astonishing price.
About author M.D. PULLEY:
D. M. Pulley’s first novel, The Dead Key, was inspired by her work as a structural engineer in Cleveland, Ohio. During a survey of an abandoned building, she discovered a basement vault full of unclaimed safe deposit boxes. The mystery behind the vault haunted her for years, until she put down her calculator and started writing. The Dead Key was the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award grand prize winner. Pulley continues to work as a private consultant and forensic engineer, investigating building failures and designing renovations. She lives in northeast Ohio with her husband and two children, and she is currently at work on her second novel.
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Okay, book #1 for this challenge was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet. I was ralley looking foward to this. I am not a mystery person at all… I just don’t have the patience and tend to read ahead. BUT Sherlock has always been such a huge favourite of my stepdad that I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.I do like old timey British things, and was going along swimmingly until the huge digression into fundamental Mormonism. WHAT? Come on. If I wanted pioneer fiction I’d pick up…well, I don’t know. I’ve never wanted to read any so I don’t know any. BUT STILL. ALso not a great fan of the “explain it all at the end because there’s no way you could have figured that out on your own” plot device.I did, however, ralley like the interplay between Holmes and Watson and enjoyed the details about Sherlock’s quirks. I’m glad I read it, but ralley. The Utah bit? Ugh. C+. Probably no more Sherlock for me for a while.