Brought to you by OBS reviewer Valerie
Blessed—or cursed—with an ability to understand animals, the Lass (as she’s known to her family) has always been an oddball. And when an isbjorn (polar bear) seeks her out, and promises that her family will become rich if only the Lass will accompany him to his castle, she doesn’t hesitate. But the bear is not what he seems, nor is his castle, which is made of ice and inhabited by a silent staff of servants. Only a grueling journey on the backs of the four winds will reveal the truth: the bear is really a prince who’s been enchanted by a troll queen, and the Lass must come up with a way to free him before he’s forced to marry a troll princess. (Goodreads)
I’ve read another retelling of this fairytale with the polar bear and the troll, so that might have influenced my review a little. Since I already knew the gist of what was going to happen, I might not have been as caught up in the story as I could’ve been if I hadn’t first read another version. However, that being said, I actually did get pretty excited while I was reading this book. (And it doesn’t hurt that the author is actually really creative in adding her own ideas in the mix.)
This Lass is so awesome! I honestly love her. She is interesting and captivating. She is one of those naturally kind heroines, yes, one of those rare characters. I love how she doesn’t have a name, well, for now. I actually was really weirded out in the beginning because her name was Lass. Then I got used to it, so I can officially say that I love Lass.
It’s also really cool that she can talk to animals. Her many experiences with them were really fun to read about, which is more than I can say for some other books.
I like the prince. Even though he’s only in human form for a tiny bit, I genuinely liked what I read of him. Not only is he extremely good-looking, he also is a perfect match for Lass. Since I love her, I kind of have to love him. He is nice to imagine.
There’s a mini mystery going on, one that Lass has to unravel. I’m not going to say much, but it involves her brother. It also involves a girl and a coat. It’s a pretty confusing mystery. I didn’t solve it at all. However, once the solution is revealed, everything is crystal clear. I’m not kidding. That’s how good of a mystery. Not only is it a good mystery, but it adds to the general plot. That’s how good it is.
The only reason this book isn’t five star quality is because I loved Dragon Slippers, by Jessica Day George, way more. It’s just that this book isn’t as good as her masterpiece. However, it is still worth reading!