Resonance Surge
Psy-Changeling Trinity, Book #7
By Nalini Singh
ISBN# 9780593440704
Author’s Website: nalinisingh.com
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

Theo Marshall had a rough childhood, separated from her twin, Pax, when she was seven years old. Pax is a level 9 on the gradient and her councilor grandfather, was always disappointed with Theo’s level 2.7. He was worried she’d bring Pax down. Grandfather was in charge of her upbringing, and when he finally found a use for her, it was for evil. She didn’t find out until years later that she helped him in the murdering of dozens of innocents.
Her grandfather has recently been murdered, Pax is now the head of the family, and the twins have finally been able to reconnect.
Pax has asked Theo to investigate a psy rehabilitation center that their family has been funding. All the centers have been shut down since the fall of silence, yet money is still going out to this one every month. So, she heads out to Moscow to investigate. And, she’ll be working with one of the StoneWater bears, Yakov Stepyrev.
When Yakov was a teenager, he started dreaming of a girl. He always assumed it was his future mate that he hadn’t met yet. Recently the dreams had come back, but were much darker than those teenage dreams. In these dreams, he’s watching the girl, now grown, die. In his dreams, he’s unable to move to help her. Silver has asked him to help Theo Marshall investigate a center in the area, but it’s not until he meets Theo that he discovers she is the girl from those dreams. Now he must figure out how to stop the horrors in those dreams from becoming a reality.
Yakov and Theo immediately start investigating. Theo quickly discovers that she has been to this center before, a traumatic experience that she had no memory of. Now that she has been here the memories are coming back in flashes. Her grandfather brought her here when she was a child to have a procedure performed. A procedure that had to be halted midway through when Pax passed out on the other side of the world.
Theo knows that horrible things were done at this center, but it’s abandoned now. If it’s abandoned, why was her grandfather paying to keep it going? Where is the money going? And, is the truth to the horrors of what she did in the past here? Will she be able to find out if she is truly at fault for the lives she has taken, or was it something out of her control? Yakov vows to help her get the answers she seeks. He hopes to be able to find a way to save Theo from the horrors in his dreams, as well. Will they be able to find the answers they seek, before it’s too late?
I have really struggled with this spin-off series. I’ve just not enjoyed it as much as I liked the original Psy-Changeling series. Thankfully I did not have my usual struggles with this book. It must be the bears! I had no problem getting immersed in the story and mystery. It was also fun that both Yakov and Theo are twins.
Speaking of Yakov and Theo, I did enjoy these characters. Yakov with his bigger than life bear personality and his mile wide protective streak. The psy are always a bit boring to me, that whole no emotions thing. However, Theo didn’t bother me. She wasn’t all that exciting, but she was a decent character for an emotionless race.
The mystery aspect of this story was good, and I didn’t start putting it all together until right before it was revealed.
This book had some great secondary characters too. I actually loved both of Theo and Yakov’s twins and hope to see more of them, in the future. It’s looking like we won’t have to wait long for Pax’s story if the end of this one is any indication.
But please …. Give me more bears! I love these rambunctious guys that don’t know the meaning of personal space! They are cuddly and fun, and I adore them.