OBS Staffer Annabell had the opportunity to interview Dawn Kirby author of Secrets. Read the review here.

Annabell Cadiz: Secrets is a very interesting take on the vampire legend, how did you come up with the idea for the book?

Dawn Kirby: Dhampirs have been a part of vampire lore for as long as the myth surrounding vampires has been around. In Leah I wanted to create something different. I gave her the typical vampiric senses; excellent hearing, unbelievable sight, keen sense of smell simply because it made sense. Sure she’s physically stronger than most women and much faster, but I needed to give her a way to defend herself. That’s where being able to smell the personalities of the people around her and seeing the hazes come in. Giving her fighting skills since she’s been kept in the dark all her life seemed a bit silly. After all, why learn to fight when there’s nothing to fight for?

Annabell Cadiz: Kale is one of my favorite characters! He is blunt, mischievous, and sarcastic. How did you come up with his character? Is he based off of anyone you know personally?

Dawn Kirby: Kale is my son, minus the player tendencies. He has charisma to spare and I love the way he looks at life: “There’s nothing we can do about the past, so smile, put your big boy pants on and move forward.”

Annabell Cadiz: I feel like girls are very misrepresented in the writing world, portrayed a lot more as damsels in distress than kick butt, take no names heroines, Leah seems like she has the potential to be a very strong heroine young girls can look up. Was that always your intention behind writing her character?

Dawn Kirby: I wanted Leah to be touchable. I see her as woman living her life despite the fact that it’s falling apart around her. She takes the traumatic events in stride, dealing with them with a sense dignity and grace. Even after she’s beaten, nearly raped and shot defending Kale she still finds it in her heart to forgive the man who did it. Giving here the ability to turn the other cheek and look for the good in people despite what her nose tells her makes Leah a character any reader, young or old can look up to.

Annabell Cadiz: In a world where young girls are having sex at younger ages and being pushed in that direction through TV shows, commercials, movies and many books, do you think it was a wise choice to place such an explicit scene between two of your characters in your book? You don’t feel you’re adding to the misconception that love must always entail sex in order to prove or show that love for young girls? You don’t think girls would benefit better from seeing the love between the two characters blossom through emotional intimacy rather than physical?

Dawn Kirby: First I have to admit when I wrote Secrets I didn’t have a specific genre in mind. Secrets isn’t simply a romance. It’s a book about a group of people working together to keep one another safe. Life complicated by the supernatural is still life.

As for the relationship between Leah and Raine. They’ve known since they laid eyes on one another they were soul mates. Why in the midst of all the danger closing in on them would they reject the one thing they know in their hearts to be pure? Leah’s twenty-two years old. Raine’s twenty-five. If the consummation of the love they for one another shows a young reader anything, it shows how wonderful waiting for the RIGHT man to walk into their lives can be.

Annabell Cadiz: Spoiler alert! One of my favorite gifts that Leah possess is being able to hear long distances. Which one of Leah’s gifts would you like to have?

Dawn Kirby: Well, her amazing hearing would be great since I’m 100% deaf in one ear. But if I had to pick one it would be the ability to smell personalities. People can hide what they are with sweet words and kind gestures. Knowing who your dealing with before they got too close might save a few tears.

Annabell Cadiz: What are some of your must haves when writing? For example, do you have any snacks you just have to have. I for one must always have either teddy grahams or BBQ chips around.

Dawn Kirby: All I need when I write is a coke, my laptop and music. Oh yeah, the two inch binder sitting here beside me is definitely a must.

Annabell Cadiz: I read on your blog you get your inspiration from music more than anything else. Any particular band you’re in love with listening to at the moment?

Dawn Kirby: Not really. I listen to everything. Which band I listen to depends on who or what I happen to be writing at the time. Today for instance I plan on cranking up Linkin Park. One of my characters is about to show his true colors in an extraordinary way.

Annabell: How many more books will there be in the Serenity Series? Can you tell us a little about what readers can expect in the second installment?

Dawn Kirby: There will be eight. Deceit picks up after the effects of Leah’s blood has worn off of Donovan. Now that they know what her blood is capable of, her future as well as her life hangs in balance.
Annabell Cadiz: Other than writing, what do you enjoy doing?

Dawn Kirby: I love spending time with my family. It doesn’t matter if we’re laying around the house reading or having a little fun in sun. My husband and I also enjoy jumping on his bike and going for a ride whenever we get the chance.

Annabell Cadiz: Any upcoming projects?

Dawn Kirby: Getting my fourth book wrapped up is at the top of my list. The fifth one is already keeping me up at night. I’ve also started a journal chronicling David’s journey from human to vampire and the painful years he spent separated from the love of his life and his only child.

Thank you Dawn for allowing OBS to read and review your book and especially for granting us an interview!