OBS staffer Deanna had the opportunity to interview Christine Feehan, bestselling author of the Dark Series.
Christine Feehan as written 4 series and has over 40 published books. She has won awards and as been featured on many best sellers list. Thank you Christine for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview.
OBS: The Dark series has a different take on the traditional vampire story, where was the idea born to have the Carpathian race needing blood, having an aversion to the sun, but having them with a conscience, compassion, loyalty and immortality?
Christine: I used the traditional vampire legend and then asked myself what would cause someone to give up their soul. I developed the Carpathian species, who became fully vampire when their life becomes to difficult because of lack of emotion and they need to feel the rush that a kill gives them.
OBS: To become a “vampire” the ones that give in to the need to kill, the ones that can no longer wait for a mate to be the light to their darkness….Why are only males afflicted with this burden?
Christine: Because the males are wholly dark and the females are wholly light. They are two halves of the same whole.
OBS: All the males are very dominating, and protective of their women, yet you have the women very independent with a streak of defiance. Was it important to have strong female leads, that overcame their obstacles and ultimately learned to deal with a strong, dominating man?
Christine:Yes, otherwise there wouldn’t be a love story. They have to be right for each other. They have to fit together.
OBS: You write some steamy sex scenes [Dark Desire one of my favorites]. Do you find it hard to get in that mind frame and how do you ensure that do not repeat the scenes in each book?
Christine: It is quite difficult not to repeat the scenes. Sometimes it’s hard to get in that frame of mind. I have to create the right environment. I have to be alone without yelling children.
OBS: Can you tell us what the future holds for the Dark series?
Christine:More romantic love stories, I hope.
OBS: I love the vow all of the Dark men make to their mate, how did you come up with the words that bind them together?
Christine: It’s just like anything else when I write. The words just flow. I don’t know where it comes from. It’s just there and feels right.
OBS: Aside from the Dark series you have the Ghostwalkers, Sea Haven – The Drake Sisters and Sisters of the Heat and the Leopard series, where do you come up with such creative ideas for your series as well as the imagination and the foresight to continue on with each of these series?
Christine: The characters become very real to me. They start talking very loud and I write and the store is there.
OBS: What put on the path of paranormal writing? [we are so glad you did]
Christine: I have always been interested in myths around the world and it gives you a broad scope to work with.

OBS: We know that your writing keeps you very busy, but are you able to find time to read? If so, what are you reading right now?
Christine: Yes, I am reading Blameless by Gail Carriger.OBS: Out of your many, many books, do you have a favorite character or book? If so, why?
Christine: I am very partial to the characters in the Ghostwalker series. But, I love all my characters. They are like my children.
OBS: What are you currently working on?
Christine: Savage Nature.
OBS: If you could spend time with any author (alive or dead) who would it be and why? What would you expect to gain from to that experience?
Christine: Louise May Alcott. I really admire her. Knowledge of her life and experiences.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to connect with my readersOBS thanks you again for taking the time to talk to us. We look forward to reading your new works.
Visit her website here.
in What book to we learn of the fate of Gary Jenson? I hope you don’t kill him off. He is family to Colby and her brother and sister. I hope I read that he was converted because it seems the Gabrilla is obviousy his life mate for even life mates that were human seem to not want any other man but their life mate yet Gabbie is very atracked to Gary.