Welcome to our October online book club, Never Ceese by Sue Dent.

Never Ceese Sue Dent
Prologue by Dawn

Merideth is a minister and Julia is the mother of 6 children. Julia’s family has gone to church and she has some very rare free time. As she tidies up, she turns around to see a large man who grabs her arm. He tells her that he wants her and Merideth to leave the area. He leads her outside and hands her off to another man who he instructs to not speak or kill Julia.

Julia is sexually assaulted by the second man. When it’s over, the first man tells Julia to never forget this day and to tell her husband to go – for “only evil will stand here.” The large man suddenly turns into a wolf as Julia stares disbelievingly. The wolf comes toward her and claws at her side.

Once the men have left, Julia stumbles into the house intent on cleaning herself up so her husband won’t find out what has happened to her. Days pass as Julia struggles to hide her pain from her family.

Questions for consideration:

What were your first impressions of the men who came to Merideth and Julia’s home?

What did you think of Merideth’s reaction to what happened to Julia?

How did you feel when Julia realized that she recognized the man at the funeral?

Is there something you noticed in this chapter that you’d like to discuss with the book club?

What is your favorite quote from this chapter?

Did you notice any foreshadowing in this chapter? If so, what?

More here.

Please join us on the forum to discuss Never Ceese. We look forwared to sharing our thoughts.