Team Edward fans have often bemoaned the fact that there’s much less of their favorite vampire in Stephenie Meyer’s “New Moon” than in the first “Twilight” novel. But for the movie, the writer and director have apparently conspired to give Robert Pattinson plenty of screen time for the sequel.
“It’s just Edward’s voice in the book,” Pattinson told his fans at Comic-Con. “And I guess it would look probably pretty cheesy if it was just my voice, so they’ve done these hallucinations, kind of semi-visible apparitions.”
Kristen Stewart added that in these hallucinations Bella Swan has are “very subjective, like how she remembers him, not necessarily how he actually is.”
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I must admit, I was worried they would go too far with Bella’s hallucinations just to have more screen time with Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen.
I’m a die-hard book lover and I always hope a movie will be just like the book.
Do you thinkĀ Chris Weitz will be true to the book, New Moon? Are you worried at all about how he will portray the hallucinations? How do you think he should handle it?