The Island
Rated PG-13 – Intense Sequences of Violence and Action, Some Sexuality and Language

Written by OBS Staff Member Rose

Lincoln Six Echo (Ewan McGregor) and Jordan Two Delta (Scarlett Johansson) inhabit a world where everyone wears a white jumpsuit and every aspect of their lives are monitored 24 hours a day.  This is because they’re actually clones called Agnates, in a high tech private facility.  The lies they are told to keep them tranquil and hoping, is a promise of going to The Island, the last place on earth that is uncontaminated. When Lincoln stumbles along the secret, that everyone he knows will never reach The Island and in reality end up dead, so starts his break for freedom and a quest for Agnate exodus.

The Island, not to be confused with Peter Benchley’s The Island from 1980 (different premise entirely), is produced by resident action genre boy wonder Michael Bay. So it’s no surprise this movie has tons of punch and thrills akin to a roller coaster ride; fantastic action-sequences, car chases, and tons of shoot-em battles. The first half delves into the scientific theories of cloning and begs the ethical question, is it humane?  How could people clone themselves knowing their Agnates have feelings?  Answer is, they don’t know. They think they’re vegetative (per se) just waiting to be used.  Both human and clone are clueless. A dual-sided lie.  The second half of the film is an on-the-run chase movie.

Lincoln and Jordan have only been educated till the age of 15, even though they are adults. What better way to keep them passive and contained?  This allows a smidgen of cute one-liners and reasoning behind they’re wonderment with the “outside world”. They’re like aliens who landed on earth basically, only with false human memories.

When Lincoln’s “owner” meets his clone, the answer of “Would we care?” is presented plainly.  Absolutely not.  This leads to the premise we’re basically selfish in nature.  But not all of us. One antagonist flips the script finally and lends a helping hand, maybe because he too knows the trials and tribulations of the corporate machine of killing.

Bring your popcorn and large soda to your TV cause your in for a wild ride.

Rating: 8.5/10 stars
Running time: 127 minutes