Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi
It’s been 18 months since Eve Levine made a deal with the Fates; she owes them a favor for sending Paige and Lucas back to the world of the living. And, now the Fates have decided to cash in on Eve’s end of the bargain.
This story introduces us to the mythical creature; the Nix. She takes residence inside people and encourages them to commit acts that they don’t have the willpower to do on their own. In this case, the act is murder and she helps commit several of them and always makes sure her ‘partner’ takes the blame before she leaves their body, looking for her next victim. The Nix has been captured before, but has now escaped and the three people they’ve sent after her previously have failed. Now it’s time Eve gives it a go. But little does Eve know what the Fates really have in mind for her.
I have really tried to like all the books in this series, but I’m finding that I fell in love with the werewolves in Bitten and have been biding my time to get back to them! I have wanted to like the other books in the series, but I find the heroine of the last two installments, Paige, to be quite a snooze for me. I didn’t know what to expect with Eve, especially when I kept hearing people say this was the weakest book of the series. I’m happy to report that it’s not! Don’t get me wrong, it’s not nearly to the level of writing in Bitten, but it was a vast improvement over the Paige books.
I felt this book started out kind of slow and I thought ‘here we go again’ and that it would be just like the previous two books. But then something happened or should I say someONE happened; Kristof. He came on the scene and I found myself completely adoring him now that we get a glimpse of the real him, not the evil bad guy trying to take Savannah away from Paige. I loved the little glimpses we got of him and the love he has for his kids and especially his love for Eve! Without him, I don’t think I would have liked this book at all.
“Our eyes met and his grin stretched another quarter-inch. Another schoolgirl flip–followed by a very un-schoolgirl wave of heat. He leaned even farther over the boards, lips parting to say something.
“Hey, Kris!” someone yelled behind him. “If you want to flirt with Eve, tell her to meet you in the penalty box. You’ll be back there soon enough.”
I found this book to be interesting and full of action. I even found myself not being able to put it down at times! Surprisingly I liked the villain, as far as bad guys go that is, Dachev, although he’s not one I’d want to meet in a dark alley or even a brightly lit one! But he is well written and oozes evil!
I do have to agree with Kris when it comes to Trsiel though. When is he going to do his job? It seemed like every time Eve had the Nix cornered he was nowhere in sight and only showed up moments too late. Maybe it was all part of the Fates’ plan.
So I agree that this book was better than the previous two, but the ending left much to be desired. This month with Kristof, I was really expecting to see some great romantic overtures and they just never came. Instead, we get her checking up on Savannah again and talking when she knows she can’t hear her and then nothing, it’s over. I really wanted this to end on a high note, but it left me kind of flat.
But the good news is that the next book takes me back to the werewolves and I can hardly wait!