Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi
*Lots of Spoilers*
Things appear to have settled down from the vampire war and all the aftereffects so Bones and Cat decide it’s the perfect time to get away. When asked, Cat chooses Paris and they’re on their way. But Cat starts having strange dreams on the way there featuring a vampire that’s calling to her and a monster with Bones’ voice chasing her. The vampire in the dream keeps telling her ‘he’s not your husband’.
Much to their surprise when they get to Paris they are met by Mencheres and several armed guards. Apparently the vampire in Cat’s dreams is Gregor, a vampire that Mencheres has had imprisoned for years that finally escaped. He is known as the Dreamsnatcher and is able to take people in their sleep if he touches them in their dream. And, Gregor insists that Cat is his wife. He kidnapped her when she was 16 and claims he bound himself to her right before Mencheres came and took her back and erased her memories of Gregor. Now he is haunting her dreams and won’t rest until he has what he feels is his; Cat.
I thought the beginning of this book was great. I loved the concept of the Dreamsnatcher and the whole plot that he had taken Cat when she was younger, with her memories being erased so that even she didn’t think it had happened. Then, of course Bones having to be the protector and to fight for the right to keep his wife.
But things changed in the middle of the book. I was so mad at Cat when she went to Gregor while Bones was fighting his army. I felt like it was her leaving him all over again, which I was totally against! I couldn’t understand why she would even trust Gregor to keep his word. I thought for sure he’d plant false memories, but he didn’t. But the ones he gave back to her were traumatic enough. I can’t believe that would make him think she’d come back to him.
Then, when Bones left her, I was devastated. I LOVE a good emotional story, but this was just too much for me. I understand his anger and definitely felt she deserved his wrath. But to give up on her completely? I really hated him when he was with the other women as well, even if we did later find out that he didn’t sleep with them, it was bad enough to make her think he could be unfaithful. And, I didn’t understand him kidnapping her from Vlad to throw her to that dreadful place at the junkyard and just abandoning her there. Would he have just left her there forever if Spade hadn’t come to make her insist on turning? They let the fight drag on for way too long making me wonder if Bones deserved a reconciliation as he seemed to be making a bad situation worse.
In the end I ultimately wanted Bones and Cat back together, but I wasn’t happy with their reunion. I was expecting some nice romantic scene, but instead we get him almost forcing her to be with him again. I just know that if I was in her position hearing him tell me he didn’t cheat after all wouldn’t be enough for me to want to rush back into things with him and he definitely wouldn’t be getting laid that quickly! If I was her, and really wanted to be changed, I would have asked Vlad to do it, not my cheating (as she thought he did at that point) ex! Not to mention, I never felt that she really *wanted* to change, but was doing it more for Bones and Spade so her having to jump through hoops to have it done was beyond infuriating.
So the concept of this book was awesome and the beginning of the story was great and it had a decent ending as well, but them being a part for so long and Bones being a total ass just ruined this book for me. I think I could have gotten past the separation if they had a better reunion that made up for all the hurt they caused each other, but they just didn’t. I hope that they can get back on track in the next installment, This Side of the Grave, and make me fall in love with them all over again.