Dane’s Mark
Breeds, Book #33
By Lora Leigh
ISBN# 9780593098790
Author’s Website: loraleigh.com
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

Katy fell in love with the charismatic stranger when he first started coming to the café where she worked. He always sat at the same table, the one that looked onto the sheriff’s office. Everyone said that he was watching the sheriff’s wife that he was in love with her. How could that be when he was always flirting with her?
Dane came in for three years, always flirting, and having his friend leave large tips for Katy. That is, until he broke her heart. He said she didn’t fit into his world. He is just one more person who doesn’t think she is good enough. The whole town was full of people with that opinion, what’s one more at this point? She had fooled herself into believing things were different with Dane, and he completely broke her.
Then the silent stranger came in, the one that never talks and he spoke for the first time. He offered her a job that got her out of that town and changed her life forever. Now, that very job is what has brought her back to the town of Broken Butte. However, running into Dane was the last thing she expected to happen. And, to find out they’re sharing a suite at the hotel is the worst possible scenario she could imagine.
Graeme didn’t want to bring Katelyn back into Dane’s orbit. He was perfectly happy keeping her hidden from him. He considers her his daughter and didn’t want to give the Vanderale hybrid a chance to shred her heart all over again. However, Katelyn’s running out of time. Her body is destroying itself and her only chance at survival is for her to mate the man who abandoned her eight years ago. Can Graeme really trust someone that could abandon their own mate to save her now though?
I was beyond excited to finally get Dane’s story. He has been one of my favorites in the series for a long time. And, I flew through this book. Although honestly, I expected so much more out of it. This is Dane. Funny, troublemaking, Dane. I just anticipated more of his charisma to shine through and less of this uncertainty we got instead. Don’t get me wrong, the book was still good, and gave me all the emotions that I loved so much, at the end. So, much emotion. It’s just the first half of the story was … rather boring. We didn’t get any courting, not even the mind-blowing mating heat sex I’ve come to expect. I think Katy got the short end of the stick on that front. I was disappointed that a book that had both Dane and Graeme wasn’t more epic.
With all that said, this book has a lot of information any avid Breed reader will not want to miss. It brings so much more to the story and also introduces us to more dangerous characters to fall in love with. I’m really curious how things will play out with these new players. And, I’m really hoping we’ll get to see more of Dane and Katy as I do still feel a bit cheated on their ‘romance’.