Via the Times Union

Think of it as chance to sample some great literature, an introduction or reacquaintance with both books that have come to be classics and some that haven’t attracted enough attention beyond the censors and self-appointed moral arbiters. Think of it as a time to stand up for free speech and free choice.

Either way, come and celebrate Banned Books Week.

Imaginations and literary tastes would be forever expanded by reading “His Dark Materials,” Philip Pullman’s trilogy of fantasy and coming of age novels. Or Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time,” splendid science fiction that literally begins, “It was a dark and stormy night.”

The issue:

Time to celebrate the literature that’s been banned.

The Stakes:

What happens when you can’t read what you want to read.

Read More here

Banned Books Week is September 26-October 3. I’m glad we live in a time when the government can’t ban books, but it still irritates me that school and libraries think it’s ok to do that. And hasn’t anyone ever noticed that the fastest way to draw attention to something is to ban it?

Do you read banned books? What was your first?