The Success of Paranormals: Why is the Genre Taking a Big Bite of Publishing Sales?
by Caridad Piñeiro at Tor
When you think about the current state of the economy, it’s no wonder that certain book sales are not only holding steady, but on the rise. Why is that? For starters, compare the ten dollar plus cost of a movie ticket which yields approximately two hours of entertainment to that of a mass market paperback. For anywhere from four to eight dollars, that book will provide hours of entertainment and unlike a movie, you can hand it off to a friend so they can share the experience.
When you take a look at those genres that are experiencing an upsurge in sales, there is one genre that jumps out at you, literally and figuratively—paranormals. In some chain stores, sales of paranormals have surged as much as 30% in comparison to sales from prior years.
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Writing and Publishing Science Fiction Novels in 5 Simple and Easy Steps
by Gen Wright at MoSo Technology Ltd.
After you’ve written your work, getting published is no doubt a elaborate task. Here are some constructive instructions that will help you write an award winning science fiction novel and publish it profitably.
Step 1: First Draft and Structure
A science fiction book should be structured in three portions: the opening, the middle, and the climax. Once you establish your story plot, you need to reinforce it with any required research. Afterward, you just have to outline your ideas on paper. High doses of imagination are the chief imperative for a triumphant science fiction novel.
Try to uplift your readers from the colorless blandness of ordinary routine life with your novel. Try to conserve suspense in each segment of the novel to make the story line consuming. Let the reader indulge in speculation over imponderable gripping situations. Sketch each segment of the story markedly.
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Novella Publisher Seeks Funding on Kickstarter
By Jason Boog at Media Bistro
After almost breaking even with a science fiction and fantasy novella collection, one publisher has turned to the crowdfunding site Kickstarter to raise money for a new kind of press.
Earlier this year, Dario Ciriello launched Panverse Publishing to focus on science fiction and fantasy novellas. His first collection, Panverse One, earned some rave reviews in the community. If he can raise $12,000, Ciriello will expand the press.
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Have you been reading more since the economy has tanked? What do you think of variety of ways books can be published now?