
4 star rating
Embrace the Night Eternal
Envy Chronicles, Book #2
By Joss Ware
ISBN# 9780061734021
Author’s Website:  http://www.josswarebooks.com/

Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

embrace-the-night-eternal-envy-chronicles-joss-wareIn the second installment of Joss Ware’s Envy Chronicles we find Sage unexpectedly receiving attention from Theo, who’s making it quite clear that he wants to become more than friends.  Sage feels the relationship shifting, but isn’t exactly sure that she likes it.  Simon also has a thing for her, but for the most part keeps it under wraps.

But when their search for Remington Truth leads the group back to Sage’s roots, they know that she is the perfect person to go searching for answers.  They all agree that it isn’t safe for her to go alone, and when she volunteers Simon for the task he has no choice, but to go along with it.  The duo infiltrates the reproduction minded community posing as husband and wife, who want to join in their efforts to repopulate the human race.  And, with it being a polygamous sect there are quite a few young girls with their eyes on Simon!

But when Simon’s past comes calling he has to choose between the woman he has fallen for of the safety of hundreds.  And, Sage must choose between the comfort she feels with Theo or the passion she feels for Simon, knowing that in the end someone will be hurt.

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  It was such a vast improvement over the first installment, Beyond the Night, that it’s hard to fathom that they are even written by the same person!  The world has been explained in-depth to the reader in the previous book, so this book was able to delve into the emotional side of things, which I absolutely loved!

The love triangle between Sage, Theo, and Simon was great.  Sage struggled with hurting Theo, but a life with him wouldn’t bring her the passion that Simon could.  But I think my favorite part of the love triangle was Simon’s thoughts about Theo and how he was handling things with Sage.  And, I loved his nicknames for Theo; Geek Squad and Dragon Boy.  It made me laugh every time he referred  him that way!  But the guy on the cover of this book looked nothing like the Simon that was described within the pages!

There was definitely a lot of action in this book as well.  Simon and Sage were always having to duck some pursuer or threat to them.  And, once this story picked up, I didn’t want to stop reading it.  The post-apocalyptic aspect of this book is almost non-existent as the characters’ environment really takes a backseat to the story that’s going on around them.  Which was good news for me since I’m not a fan of the world has ended type of storylines.

Also, I thought Simon’s special ability was really cool!

But what about the community of Falling Creek?  Can you say creepy?  They are way to up in each other’s business for my taste and the cameras?   Ewwwww!  I also couldn’t imagine sharing my husband like all the women there do.  No thanks!  I guess I’m just selfish that way!

Ware definitely redeemed herself in my eyes with this book and I hope the series continues at this speed!  Zoë and Quent are next and I can’t wait, as I’ve loved the little snippets we’ve gotten from them so far!