Wolfhunter River
Stillhouse Lake, Book #3
By Rachel Caine
ISBN# 9781503902305
Author’s Website: https://rachelcaine.com/
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

Gwen Proctor is trying to settle into normal life in Stillhouse Lake with her kids and boyfriend. However, she can never outrun the stain that being married to a serial killer has tainted her with. Melvin is dead and she was exonerated of the charges brought against her for having any part in his crimes. But some people will never believe her innocence.
After much discussion, Gwen has decided to go on TV to tell her side of the story. She wants to clear the air in hopes of finally being able to live a normal life! She picked which show to go on carefully, but not carefully enough as she quickly starts feeling railroaded by the host. He brings up topics she told him beforehand she wouldn’t discuss. Then, he brings out the woman who has dedicated her life to ruining Gwen, Miranda Tidewell. Miranda’s daughter was one of Melvin’s victims and Miranda is horrified that Gwen is allowed to walk around free when she feels Gwen is just as guilty as Melvin. Now she is here to discuss her new documentary she is funding to roast Gwen in the court of public opinion.
Once Gwen gets back home she tries to wrap her head around everything that happened and figure out how to protect her kids from what is to come with the documentary. They quickly learn that the film crew has already descended on their town and Sam thinks it would be a good time to leave for a bit.
Then, Gwen gets a call from a woman in Wolfhunter wanting her help. The woman is very vague on what has happened, but she’s afraid of someone. However, since she refuses to tell Gwen what’s going on she decides not to go to her. She’s afraid it could be a trap.
However, when she gets a call from the woman’s daughter and learns the Marlene is dead and the daughter is arrested for the murder Gwen must act. Sam refuses to let Gwen go off alone so the whole family makes the trip to Wolfhunter to uncover the secrets of the corrupt backwater town. But they quickly discover they aren’t wanted there and some residents will kill in order to keep their secrets. Some of those residents are on the police force and nobody can be trusted. Sam and Gwen must band together now more than ever, but can secrets from the past unravel even their bond?
I really loved the first book in this series, Stillhouse Lake. And, I was excited to see that Caine was continuing the series. I do really enjoy the characters, but sadly neither of the subsequent books in the series have lived up to that first one! I’ve enjoyed watching the kids grow and seeing Gwen try to create a normal life. And, I’ve especially enjoyed meeting Sam! However, there is something about these books that keeps me from truly enjoying them. I’ve found these last two to be pretty dull and way too easy to put down. I actually enjoyed the prologue about Ellie White’s kidnapping more than I did the rest of the book. I kind of wish the book had delved more into that and less into the corruptness of Wolfhunter … or approached that corruptness differently.
I was thinking that this book would probably be the final one in this series, but the way the story ended I’m thinking it left the door open for many more to come. I just hope that if the series does continue that Caine can recapture the magic she found with Stillhouse Lake.