Wicked Bite
Night Rebel, Book #2
By Jeaniene Frost
ISBN# 9780062695635
Author’s Website: http://www.jeanienefrost.com/
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

It pained Veritas to leave Ian, but it’s not fair to keep him with her, when it only puts him in more danger. Now that her father has removed his memories, she had no choice but to leave him. It’s what’s best for him. Now she must focus on recovering the souls that were released from Dagon to fulfill her promise to her father.
Imagine her surprise when Ian sues the vampire council for keeping his wife from him! Now she is required to attend court and all of her and Ian’s enemies will know exactly where they are. Not to mention, the council themselves will most likely sentence Ian to death for coming after them!
Veritas tried her best to ditch Ian after court, but he was determined to stick with her, despite what it was doing to his health. The two end up joining forces to attempt to end Dagon once and for all.
It was nice to be reunited with Ian once again. It instantly felt like coming home and catching up with old friends. I forgot just how much I missed his depraved sense of humor and his wicked innuendo. As the book progressed we did get less and less of that and sometimes Ian didn’t feel like him. He was too serious at times. I guess that’s just the effect of marriage on him, especially when his wife finds herself in danger. And, thankfully at other times he was sooooo Ian!
We found out a lot more about Veritas in this book. We learned more about her dual nature and the scope of her abilities. Not to mention, she discovered a new family connection that she looks forward to embracing further.
Overall, this book was okay, but definitely not as good as the previous installment, Shades of Wicked. I think there just wasn’t enough of Ian’s naughty side! The book never truly sucked me in as Frost’s novels typically do. The book was just too easy to put down until the very end! We were given a nice segue into the next novel in the series and I can honestly say I can’t wait to get my hands on it! Ian and Veritas have another obstacle to tackle and it will take everything and everyone they have in their corner to help them overcome it!