Waiting For Tom Hanks
Waiting For Tom Hanks, Book #1
By Kerry Winfrey
ISBN:1984804022 (ISBN13: 9781984804020)
Brought to you by OBS Reviewer jerjen
Can a romcom-obssessed romantic finally experience the meet-cute she always dreamed of or will reality never compare to fiction, in this charming debut adult novel from Kerry Winfrey.
Annie Cassidy dreams of being the next Nora Ephron. She spends her days writing screenplays, rewatching Sleepless in Seattle, and waiting for her movie-perfect meet-cute. If she could just find her own Tom Hanks—a man who’s sweet, sensitive, and possibly owns a houseboat—her problems would disappear and her life would be perfect. But Tom Hanks is nowhere in sight.
When a movie starts filming in her neighborhood and Annie gets a job on set, it seems like a sign. Then Annie meets the lead actor, Drew Danforth, a cocky prankster who couldn’t be less like Tom Hanks if he tried. Their meet-cute is more of a meet-fail, but soon Annie finds herself sharing some classic rom-com moments with Drew. Her Tom Hanks can’t be an actor who’s leaving town in a matter of days…can he? (Goodreads)
Annie Cassidy is looking for the perfect guy. A guy who is sensitive, funny, sweet and adorable. Someone like Tom Hanks in all of his Rom-Com movies. Now, we all know that the perfect man only exists in films and books, but that does not stop Annie from waiting for her perfect man. When she meets Drew Danforth, the lead actor in a movie that Annie is working on, she knows that he is not the one. He could not possibly be the one, he is NOTHING like Tom Hanks.
To me the best thing about this book was all the references to the Rom Com movies from days gone by. It brought back memories of the movies that I loved to watch and why I used to like them so much. My all time favorite of these movies is While You Were Sleeping, which I think I could watch once a week.
The characters were funny and quirky and for the most part likable (sometimes I wanted to shake Annie). The story was a bit predictable, but that was alright because the movies were predictable too.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well crafted contemporary women’s read. And do not be surprised when you want to watch the Rom-Com movies again.