by วันเสาร์ on

Could someone please give me tips/steps/info on how to look and act like a Twilight vampire?

If you’re expecting to look unrealistically beautiful like described in the books, it’s not gonna happen. They’re fictional characters and are more beautiful than anyone in real life ever will be.
– Get a hairstyle like your favorite character. Dye your hair/cut it.
– Don’t go tanning … or burning … in the sun. You want pale skin.
– Learn some good makeup tips.
– Buy clothes similar to the kinds they wear in the movie.
– They’re supposed to be very fit (obviously), so work out.
Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t turn out the way you want. You weren’t made to look or act like a Twilight vampire!

ok im sure that a million and 1 of us would want to be a vampire but truth is your a HUMAN and act like it or find a real one and make him bite you!!

Act very distant to others, like you have something better to do. Don’t fall asleep in class like normal kids. Don’t eat or drink in public. Don’t laugh too much at jokes. Carefully disregard people who try to talk to you and walk away. Focus on being very still. Act like you don’t like sunlight. And, I forgot to mention, wear sunscreen. Everyday.
Stare. A lot. But don’t stare at people, that would creep them out. Stare at a thing for as long as you can manage, and try not to blink.
Move with swift, flitting motions. Practice ballet or something to be graceful but also quick.
Remember to always look mysterious and DO NOT be so outgoing.

To read more HERE

Oh my goddess – this is so wonderful hilarious! I so enjoyed this sarcastic blog-entry – thank you! What about you – do you like it, too? And do you want to try/act like some of the tips?