Volvos, Proposals, Teens & Religion… We have wide range of topics this week! But you know you want to read/listen to what Stephenie has to say about it ALL! Stephenie Meyer answers questions about the Volvo used in the movies, what Edward is thinking when he stops making out with Bella in the proposal scene, what it’s like to have teenagers and religion is always brought up in reference to SM and her books…
TF: We have a little silly question. It’s not super silly. What about the movie Volvo [not being] like the book Volvo?
Fansite: We had to go there.
TF: We really have to go there because, you know I’m over it now, but what about that?
SM: Um, I…you know the reason that Edward drives a Volvo is to be inconspicuous and because the whole—you know, people see a Volvo and think you buy them for safety and it’s kind of a joke, like it’s the way to blend in because the last thing in the world he needs is a safe car. So when I was doing the cars, my brothers are car freaks—you know— and I asked them. I said, “Okay, if you were gonna drive a Volvo but you’re a car enthusiast” and they’re like: “Ugh!” And I’m like: “No, what are you gonna drive?” And they’re like: “Well, there’s the S60 R. Very limited, not a lot of people did it. It looks like a sedan but it’s built for racing.” And so I was like: “Oh that’s perfect! That’s perfect!” They don’t make them anymore, and so that was kind of a problem. They couldn’t you know…
You can hear the audio and read more of the transcript HERE
Melissa Rosenberg Updates her Facebook

Earlier in the week Peter Facinelli tweeted about his wardrobe fitting for Breaking Dawn and now Twilight Saga screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg gives the fans more insight about her work with director Bill Condon.
Hi Y’all! Sorry I haven’t checked in for a while. Been immersed in the world of Breaking Dawn. I’ve been working very closely with our director Bill Condon, whose input has been SO great. He understands story, structure and character as only a fellow writer can, but he also has fantastic visual ideas. And he’s not… shying away from anything! Sex, birth, feathers, blood… it’s all in there. More later! xoxo Mel
You can follow Melissa’s Facebook HERE
Forks falls under Twilight spell as Bella’s birthday, author Meyer celebrated this weekend Tonight’s ball for vampire lovers will kick off two days of festivities celebrating the Twilight series of novels based in the West End.
Among the attractions for fans of the Twilight saga will be postal cancellations for Team Edward and Team Jacobs.
Bella’s Ball
Bella’s Ball — celebrating the books’ heroine, Bella Swan — will start at 9 p.m. at the Twilight Lounge, 81. N. Forks Ave.
Dress can be casual or formal.
Admission will be free and all ages will be admitted until 10 p.m.
The ball will end at 1 a.m.
And that will be just the beginning of the celebration of the fictional Bella Swan’s birthday during the fourth annual Stephenie Meyer Day weekend in Forks and LaPush.
Bella’s birthday, as imagined by author Stephenie Meyer in Twilight, the first of the four best-selling novels, is on Sept. 13, and Stephenie Meyer Day is held on the weekend closest to the date.
The official Stephenie Meyer Day will be declared on Saturday at Tillicum Park, 549 Tillicum Lane, where many of the weekend’s events will be held.
Despite the name of the event, Meyer will not be there.
Hilarious Twilight Spoof in The Onion I love “The Onion,” but never more than when they spoof on Twilight, especially since they always do so in good fun (and not maliciously) and always in such hilariously creative ways. Earlier this year they published the article, “Woman Married To Fat, Emotionally Distant Vampire Escapes Into ‘Twilight’ Novels” which is a must if you haven’t read it already, but the other day they put out a video-spoof which is their best yet: “Al-Qaeda Calls Off Attack On Nation’s Capitol To Spare Life Of ‘Twilight’ Author.”
I liked Stephenie’s idea of having a new story told by Nessie and Leah. We could learn so much from both of them and their different perspectives. Who doesn’t want to know how the life of a wolf girl looks like? Or, how is Nessie handling her new life? I would 🙂 It is always great to hear answers from Stephenie when a fan from the books asks them. What did you think of this new interview?
What do you think of Melissa’s update?
What did you think of the twilight spoof?
It would have been fun to go to Forks for all those celebrations. What do you think? Did you go, plan to go or might go next year? Join us in the discussion!