Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn to film in Louisiana and Vancouver The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn has found its home, and for the first time, Twi-Hards can travel down south to catch a glimpse of their favorite vampires. Summit Entertainment announced today what had long been expected: that the final two Twilight films, to be directed by Bill Condon, will shoot in both Baton Rouge, La., and Vancouver. Louisiana’s appealing tax credits have drawn a number of productions to its locales, one bright spot on the state’s struggling economy. As such, Summit will take advantage of such deals, heading first to Louisiana, where the film’s interior locations will be shot. Then once weather has improved in Vancouver, the Breaking Dawn production will move to Canada, sometime in the New Year.
‘Breaking Dawn’ Won’t Be Rated R, Summit Promises In the “Twilight” universe, there are levelheaded questions — will “Breaking Dawn” be in 3-D? — and then are the improbable, yet intriguing, ones. Among the more puzzling queries is whether, based on the many scream-inducing elements of its source material, “Breaking Dawn,” will draw an R rating instead of the usual, Twi-approved PG-13.
It’s hard to imagine Summit Entertainment making a “Twilight” movie that would require its tween-heavy audience to convince adults to buy them movie tickets, but the idea nonetheless remains a topic of discussion in the blogosphere. So we decided to put the question to Summit. While the studio acknowledges that discussions about an R rating are definitely taking place (“By all means,” said distribution chief Richie Fay), the studio remains committed to its tried-and-true PG-13.
“I don’t see it ever becoming an R-rated movie. The middle road we have to travel is a mutual respect as to staying true to the book but not turning off your audience.”
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The latest: ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ passes $300 million worldwide The Twilight Saga: Eclipse has now surpassed $300 million worldwide. It took in another $8,781,208 from 4,468 domestic locations for a per theater average of $1,965. This gives the film a cumulative domestic total of $195,731,290 after 8 days in release. It still sits in first place at the top of the charts, ahead of Toy Story 3 and The Last Airbender. Updated foreign box office of $104.6M gives Eclipse a worldwide cumulative total of $300,331,290.
The record for the first 8 days in release is held by The Dark Knight with $261,847,503. The Twilight Saga: New Moon is #4 with $205,788,929. Eclipse finishes at #8 with $195,731,290. So far, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse has set all-time box office records for Opening Wednesdays, Single Day Wednesday Gross (non-adjusted), and Single Day Wednesday Gross (adjusted for inflation). It is in second place for Opening Day Gross, Single Day Gross, and Non-Opening Thursday Gross. Release records include Widest Releases, Widest Independent Releases, Widest Opening Independent Releases, Widest PG-13 Rated Openings, and Widest PG-13 Rated Releases.
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Eclipse Costume Trivia: Deleted Scene, Karate Pants, and More! You can learn a lot about a character — and an actor — talking to a film’s costume designer. Here, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse‘s Tish Monaghan reveals a few secrets from the wardrobe closets:
• Robert Pattinson wanted to wear karate pants for the training sequence. “So we got him some karate pants, and it’s like the crotch hangs down to the knees, and I just thought, Ugh. Who’s gonna go for this? Because everything has to be approved by Summit,” Monaghan says. “We took them in a little bit, and they loved the karate pants. Who knew? I was so surprised.”
• Rosalie’s wedding dress was the star of a deleted scene: For Rosalie’s flashback to the 1930s, Monaghan’s department both rented original period dresses and made two ensembles — the one she wore when she was attacked, and her wedding dress.
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Well I guess fans now won’t have to travel the whole state to see the twilight cast when they film Breaking Dawn Lucky Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas and Alabama people that live around. What do you think of the new location?
I thought Rosalie (Nikki Reed) just looked amazing with her wedding dress and bloody red eyes, definitely how I imagined her, all scary. I hope we get to see that scene in the Eclipse DVD extras. I also noticed how the Cullens all matched in colors, it’s like they had a wardrobe in case of fighting emergencies Something I’ve liked about the films is the wardrobe. What did you think of that?
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