Breaking Dawn High Resolution Still
Last week we had the opportunity to see for the first time one of the three official Breaking Dawn stills. If you remember well Bill Condon released a still of Bella’s hand holding some feathers and one from Charlie’s living room decorated for Christmas. Could this new still of Edward and Bella in their honeymoon be from the same scene as the feather one?
Robert Pattinson and Peter Facinelli at the Golden Globes
For the fans that didn’t have a chance to see the Golden Globes and catch a glimpse of the Twilight stars yesterday, examiner. com has a great variety, check the out here.
Robert Pattinson is seriously funny, says Olivia Wilde Despite Robert Pattinson‘s exceptional gift for intense stares and pursed lips, he certainly has the power to amuse, according to one Hollywood “It” girl. Olivia Wilde, to be precise.
“We laughed so much,” she said of her moments with Pattinson before presenting the award for best foreign film. “He’s seriously one of the funniest people.”
Peter Facinelli Talks Kristen Stewart’s Vampire Transformation had the chance to talk yesterday at the Golden Globes with Peter Facinelli, who talks about Kristen’s transformation and some of the scenes they’ve been shooting.
Robert Pattinson talks Golden Globes, Water for Elephants, Cosmopolis and being a dad has a series of video interviews where they talk to Robert Pattinson at the Golden Globes about his new projects, the nerves he still gets being at this kind of events, his role as a dad and Water for Elephants.
Robert Pattinson Reveals Why He’s Gone Red Robert Pattison had a new look when he turned up at the Golden Globes on Sunday – red-tinted hair.
“Your hair is a different color,” Access Hollywood’s Shaun Robinson noted when Robert hit Access’ Golden Globes red carpet platform.
“I know,” Robert laughed. “I’ve been trying to figure it out.”
Robert hinted that his hair color change had to do with his various projects – the next “Twilight Saga” installment – “Breaking Dawn: Part I” – and the upcoming “Water for Elephants.”
“It’s a different color in ‘Twilight’ than it is in ‘Water For Elephants’ so I had to do a kind of rush dye job on it,” he continued.
“Did you do it yourself?” Shaun asked
“Just like some mousse… isn’t it amazing?” he laughed.
Rob Pattinson on Golden Globes Red carpet interviewed by Alexa Chung
Taylor Lautner in Abduction new still
For those who are waiting for Taylor’s new movie to come out, Abduction, there is now a new still to calm the fans down for a while
I agree with Rob, they shouldn’t have showed the honeymoon still yet. As excited that I am to see the movie soon and see some stills, they could have shown something else. For those who haven-t read the books, they are giving to much away.
What do you think of the new Breaking Dawn still?
What do you think of the interviews done to Robert and Peter at the Golden Globes?
What do you think of Taylor’s new Abduction still? Join us in the forum for discussions!