Despite the fact that Stephenie Meyer‘s books are public service announcements for saving yourself ‘til marriage, some elementary and middle schools in Australia are banning the Twilight series books for being too racy.

Though, in a roundabout way, fretful grownups could be doing these kids a favor, as one school librarian told Australia’s Daily Telegraph about the censorship, “We wanted to make sure [the students] realize it’s fictitious and ensure they don’t have a wrong grasp on reality.” Good point.

Last year, a California school district briefly banned the Twilight books from 12 middle school libraries when they were deemed “too mature” for kids. Luckily, it later relented.

Complete article here

LOL I remember when this happened in the United States last year. It’s ridiculous. Let kids read. I get that probably only Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse should be in elementary schools, in my opinion. But I think they should encourage reading.

What do you think?