TV HOTLINKS FOR FEB 4: SECRET CIRCLE, SMALLVILLE AND MORE! Kevin Williamson Joins ‘Secret Circle’ Adaptation, Puts ‘Vampire Diaries’ Companion Series On Hold

Are you a secret circle fan? How do you think this series will pan out? Good idea? Bad idea?
: 1st look at Smallville’s Tom Welling in his new Superman jacket

Wow. Red Leather, Clark? Really? While Tom Welling looks feirce in the photos – I can’t take this costume seriously. After a movie night, one of my friends brought over S9 smallville and she insisted that I watch the last two eps with her, if only for old time SV-loves’ sake. I was baffled by “the blur” , so I guess this is a step up from that – but, still. What’s your opinion? Things Are Looking Good for Another Season of Futurama

I love how Futurama keeps coming back. Are you excited by the prospect of another season?
: Every New Science Fiction/Fantasy Television Series That Could be Coming This Fall

there are some really interesting concepts and idea for shows here, as well as some strange choices in revivals … what do you think? Which shows would you watch? Sneak peek: 10 set pics from the 1st episode of the new Torchwood

LOL , you always know you’re looking at the Torchwood set when you see people running around and John Barrowman laughing Uproariously. Not really looking forward to new season of torchwood – but I knew that would happen after s3 (I actually think the finale of TW s 3 would have been an awesome way to end the series). Are you excited for TW S4?

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