‘True Blood’ season 2 final is coming – and if you followed us the last weeks you know about illustrator and graphic designer Andy Swist – a Sookie Stackhouse-fan – and his ‘True Blood’ Paper-dolls. Till now there is: SET #1: Lafayette and Pam (HERE) – SET #2: Bill and Sookie (HERE) – SET #3: Sam and Tara (HERE) – SET #4: Jason (HERE)
Surprisingly Mr. Swist put a special ‘Extra’ on his site – including Pam and a part of Eric.
Also Andy Swist is giving an explanation on his blog:
I had to do up that awesome outfit Pam wore in the last episode. That red sequined jumpsuit was too too fab! But… are you excited about Eric’s extras? Do you like what you see? I hope so. He’ll be appearing next week in all his glory… so stay tuned.
Get your Extra HERE
First glimps of Eric – ohmygoddess. And the new Pam outfit is wonderful! Thank you Andy! Do you also love the news that he has more extras for other dolls? And can’t you wait to finally get your own Eric?