![4 star rating](https://i0.wp.com/openbooksociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/4-star-rating2.gif?resize=105%2C23)
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Dawn
*Beware of Spoilers*
In this second book of The Tala Chronicles, Tala makes a shocking discovery about her enemy, Willis Sharp, after the violence at her uncle’s cottage. She also realizes the ritual her uncle performed solved only part of Matt’s problem. Tala’s only hope to save Matt involves going with him to Oregon and visiting a werewolf pack who may help her…if they don’t kill her first. A mysterious couple tells her where the pack lives and that she must visit them alone. And to go there only during the day. Will she risk her life and go to them despite facing the possibility her actions could lead to Matt’s death?
The Wolf’s Revenge is a short story continuing with Tala and Matt’s journey. Tala and Matt are married at this point. They are searching for a way to fully rid Matt of the violent maker strain. Only part of their problem was solved, they need an all-inclusive solution. They move to Portland in hopes of finding a wolf pack who might be able to help.
In Portland, Tala and Matt are found by Sharp’s people very quickly and tragedy follows. I thought Willis Sharp couldn’t get much worse as an antagonist but he goes to new heights. He is determined to kill Tala no matter what the cost.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Matt has to go back home to work at his previous law enforcement job. That leaves Tala alone in Portland. Matt hires Michael to keep an eye on Tala.
I like Michael. At first, he is clearly prejudiced when it comes to wolves. Through time spent with Tala he actually realizes he is wrong. I love it when a character grows in such a fundamental way.
Again, I enjoyed the Native American lore weaved into the story. I especially enjoyed the journal kept by a medicine man, Brave Wolf, who worked with “wolf-eaters” It was fascinating. Edgar still plays a big part in Tala’s life. He is there for her every step of the way, though not physically.
Tala stepped up to the plate for Matt in a big way in the Wolf’s Revenge. She put her life on the line for him. I hope their love prevails.
The Wolf’s Revenge is a quick fun read. I think it was way too short. I would really love to immerse myself in their world for a longer period of time. The characters are fascinating.
I think this installment would appeal to men, women and young adults across the board.