Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi
Leannah Wakefield is struggling to make ends meet and keeping meals on the table and a roof over her family’s heads. Taking care of her sick father and younger brother and sister. She is forced with the fact that she will have to marry the undesirable Mr. Valloy in order to take care of her family.
But when she gets word that her sister, Genevieve, has run off to elope she races after her at breakneck speed to stop the wedding! But along the way she picks up a stowaway, Harry Rayburn, and her life is never the same again.
I’ll be honest with you. I really struggled with this book, especially in the beginning! It had a very slow start that seemed to drag until eternity and overall was just plain boring. The book did pick up later on, but it was never as good as I had hoped it would have been.
Harry and Leannah were likable enough characters, although I think the cover models on this book are completely wrong, they look too young… especially the guy, who is also clean-shaven, something Harry never was! I like how Harry is willing to go up against anyone, even his friends and family, to defend his newfound bride. And, of course you can’t help, but like Leannah and how she’d do anything for her family.
I felt the most exciting part about this book, the ending, was cut a bit short. In just a few pages everything was tied up in a nice neat bow, and it seemed a bit sudden and rushed.
I really don’t know what to think about this book, and I’m not sure if I’d want to read any more from this author. I’m sure there are others out there that will love this book, but it just wasn’t for me.