Review Brought to you by OBS staff member Angie
Summary from back of book:
Because of her cancer, Anna Chadwick wouldn’t live long enough to carry her twin infants to term. Yet she wanted nothing more than for them to have a chance at living. Learning one would be stillborn didn’t lessen her desire. It would take a miracle… so she prayed for one. When an electrical entity arrives to take the place of her stillborn, some would reflect that prayers aren’t always answered the way we’d expect them to be.
My review:
I’ll admit that the first 3 or 4 chapters of this book had me shaking my head, but then I really got into the story and wasn’t able to put it down until I’d finished it. My poor family is getting a little tired of fending for themselves during dinner ’cause mommy won’t stop reading!! LOL
I figured out who the ‘bad guy’ was early on, but I couldn’t wait to see how it played out and how each of the characters intertwined with the others to create this story. There were several parts that had me nearly giving myself papercuts to turn the page fast enough. The twin dynamic is so evident in the story it makes me wonder if the author has some real life experience with twins.
Essentially this is a story about family bonds: Mother/child – husband/wife – father/child – brother/brother … but there is a deeper element as well. To me, it was a story about what lengths a parent will go to to ensure the safety and well-being of their child, even if it means no longer being a part of that child’s life.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story.
Because it’s important to me as an author[Independent] to understand possible weaknesses in my work, I questioned this reviewer about the “head shaking” LOL Needless to say, I breathed a sigh of relief at their response which was this:
“I think the head shaking was just the thought that she’s got terminal
cancer and here comes an alien to save her life…. but it was so much
more than that. And as I’m processing more and more.. I keep thinking
of other themes. I can’t wait to pick your brain and ask you those
“loose end” questions….”
Sue sighs. Okay. I can live with that. ;D