from Jean Bentley at ‘Vampire Diaries’ Star Ian Somerholder Talks Auditioning For ‘True Blood’ & Loving His Girlfriend
Hey Ian Somerhalder: please stop talking about your girlfriend. Especially when you’re being interviewed for Newsweek’s “7 Things” video series, and the questions you’re being asked really have nothing to do with your special lady friend. I’m sure she’s smart and funny and absolutely gorgeous (I hope you wouldn’t settle for anything less), but I don’t need to hear about her anymore. This way, I can pretend that our eight-year age difference won’t matter when we finally meet and fall desperately in love. I mean what? Oh yeah, seven things we need to know about the guy, besides the unofficial number one (he loves his GF).
One opportunity we missed: Ian says he auditioned to play the role of Jason Stackhouse on “True Blood,” but didn’t get the part (obviously as Ryan Kwanten currently owns it). He’s OK with it now, since he’s got his own successful vampire show. I’m not going to lie, though, seeing him on naked-friendly HBO would’ve been nice, but since I think Ian’s the best part of “The Vampire Diaries,” I’m pretty fine with how things turned out.
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There’s been talk for months now about a reboot of Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Plans are underway to relaunch it as a new franchise, a movie franchise with no connection to the popular television series, and worse, no involvement from creator Joss Whedon.
We asked [Alyson Hannigan] about those Buffy remake plans and she seems as perturbed by the whole thing as the show’s fans. When we asked her what she thought of Buffy without Joss she said, “Yeah, and that’s a very big mistake in my opinion.” Whedon wrote both the 90s movie and ran the subsequent spin-off television show she was a part of. So it makes sense that Hannigan says, “I mean if Joss isn’t involved, it’s only the title.”
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via ET Online: Caterina Scorsone Steps into the Looking Glass in ‘Alice’
Alice (Caterina Scorsone) is a black belt. The Mad Hatter (Andrew Lee Potts) is a con man. And the Queen of Hearts (Kathy Bates) isn’t playing with a full deck. It’s a whole new take on Wonderland when Syfy premieres its version of “Alice” on Sunday night, Dec. 6.
ET: When you were a kid, did you ever read the Alice books, see the movie or ride the ride at Disneyland?
Caterina Scorsone: My first encounter with Alice was my mom reading us Lewis Carroll‘s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I had a strong negative reaction to the book as a child. I think I was so young that the illogic of everything and the unfairness of everything in Wonderland — where A plus B doesn’t equal C — was too disturbing. I was still trying to figure out how the world actually worked. Seeing it turned on its head was too much. I really had an adverse reaction to it as a young child. I wanted things to be fair.
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from Scott Edelman at Sci Fi Wire: Sadly, Pride and Prejudice zombie series rumors aren’t true
Zombie lovers everywhere were thrilled when it was reported earlier this week, jumping off from a tweet written by Twitter user PrideandZombies, that a six-episode miniseries was in the works based on the hit novel Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Unfortunately, as reported by Seth Grahame-Smith, who added the undead to Jane Austen’s novel, “I have no idea who controls the ‘prideandzombies’ Twitter account, but rest assured—it ain’t me.”
Grahame-Smith, who used his own Twitter feed to spread the word, reported that “there’s NO TRUTH to those PPZ ‘miniseries’ rumors floating around on the Internets. … The plan has always been to make the book a feature film.”
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What do you think of a Buffy remake? Are you excited for the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies movie?
new moon movie of twilight saga is outstanding ! enjoyed a lot watching twilight new moon !!