Sherriyln Kenyon
Dark Hunters, Book 15
Review brought to you by OBS staff member Catherine
Acheron is the 15th book in the Dark Hunters book series written by author Sherrilyn Kenyon. This is by far my favorite in the whole series. Throughout the whole series you half fall in love with the ever present, mysterious, Sexy leader of the Dark Hunters always there to defend and support those under his charge but not too much is know personally except the sacrifices that he endures for others.
This book is broken into two separate books. The first starts ten thousand years in the past and is the heart wrenching book of how Acheron came to be who he is today. A lot of questions are answered in this part. Acheron who was born the son of gods was sent to the human realm by his mother to save his life. From the day he was born he was different and treated as such. He was abused and violated in every way possible. This book is not for the faint of heart but through it all Acheron stays pure in his own way. All he every wants is to be accepted by the man who he believes is his father like he witnesses the love that is given to his twin brother. It is the love of his sister and his own personal strength that carries him through. Acheron attracts the attention of a goddess and falls in love with her but little does he know that his association with her will forever alter his life in a way that he could never imagine. His mortal life is brought to a violent and tragic end and those who he thought loved him bear witness to it with nothing but the thought of their own self preservation. None could have foreseen or imagined the destructive wrath of a goddess in fury because of the mistreatment and suffering of her son at the hands of others.
Book two brings you to the present day and puts Acheron face to face with another woman who will change Acheron’s life completely but in a better way. You get to see the loneliness and venerability that Ash has with his need to be touched and really loved by another human being. His years of abuse, both physical and mental have left him with a low sense of self worth and a few problems with personal space. There are walls that need to be broken down, obstacles to over come and the ever present threat of those bent on destroying all that he has come to hold dear. In end it is the love of others that Ash least expects that give him all that that he thought long lost to him and forever out of his reach.
This is another example of the great writing of Ms. Kenyon that I have come to love. She does a phenomenal job of bringing the reader into her world of the dark hunters and leaving you wanting more. She makes you feel right along with the characters. I was crying and laughing and wanted vengeance for Acheron and those who he loved. I look forward to reading more books with Ash. I now have a better idea of the complex person he is and why he did some of the thing that he did. You need to read the books prior to this one not only because there are characters in this book from previous books but you will also have a better understanding for Ash and a foundation of what is going on. I Loved loved loved this book. It will be a reread and a staple of my book shelf.
Loved everything about this book, but the girl…
what did you not like about her?