Title: Run a Marathon
Series: Single Wide Female: The Bucket List
By: Lillianna Blake
Author’s Website: http://lilliannablake.com/
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra
I’ve decided that the creative arts are not for me. I still can’t boil spaghetti and I think there’s an arrest warrant out against me for public indecency. So onward now to a new challenge—running a marathon.
I’ve decided that there will be safety in numbers and no matter how ridiculous I look in lycra, I can’t look any worse than the guy in the galloping urinal, or the other guy dressed as a demented hen. Well, at least I hope not. Maybe I’ll use them as pacemakers.
So I burst through that starting line full of enthusiasm, knowing I could beat a galloping urinal any day of the week, but by the end I realized I was in a one-woman race—and I do have a track record for beating myself, you know. (Goodreads)
Another round of fun and laughter while witnessing the growth of Sam. My first thought when I read the title of this book was – will Sam be able to run that far. Setting her sights on running a marathon without a whole lot of prep time seems just plain silly and setting oneself up for failure. But then, when has Sam done any of her bucket list items with a lot of preparation?
The story begins with Sam lamenting about the rut her life was in. Recently she had been a tad bit more adventurous while ticking items off of her bucket list, but alas, the routine had settled back in. What is a girl to do?
“I wanted a reason to wake up before my alarm went off, with an eagerness to participate in my life rather than a sense of obligation.”
Isn’t that all what we want? So off to the bucket list Sam goes. With a renewed sense of purpose, Sam decides that her “Run a Marathon” bucket list item is what she shall tackle next, now that she had slimmed down quite a bit. First off everyone knows that a good pair of runners is what is needed for this endeavor. Initially, Sam is realistic and realizes that she will need months of training to prepare for this item.
I truly got a chuckle when Sam defined her “closet of no return” – which is something many people can relate to (me included):
The “closet of no return” was a closet off of her kitchen. Inside this closet were the ghosts of exercise fads past.
In true Sam fashion, stuff happens. While shopping for new runners, Sam runs into Stephanie (Max’s new girlfriend) and they get to discussing marathon’s. Stephanie indicates she is thinking about signing up for the Mountain Marathon and (of course) Sam quickly chimes in that she is too!
As with each bucket list item, Sam approaches this new challenge with vim and vinegar (so to speak). I really find my own personal impetus in Sam’s attitude towards new challenges.
This quote struck me as very apropos for Sam’s entire journey (and I suspect – everyone’s life journey:
“That a journey may be long, a destination may be far, but each step matters.”
The road to the end of the marathon is arduous but fun to partake in… as is all of Sam’s bucket list items adventures. On that note – on to bucket list item #6, Go Skinny Dipping.